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Did you ever wonder what it would be like
To fly to the moon and back
Above all the stars
Our sirens and cars
People on those streets
So eager to meet
Then just walk away
At the end of the day
From you

Once upon a time
I dreamt of a relationship
That lived forever
Without any ends
More than just love
Above being friends
Where we loved as one
Pure and content
Maddening passion
Lustful and spent

The dream never evolved
To outlive my sleep
Now staring at your photo
Be-trodden at my feet
Whereupon I pick you up
To again see your smile
A flicker of hope
To hold but awhile

Yet love doesn’t last
Does it
The moon is too far
Sirens ever present
I can barely see your star
Your willowy neck
Your silver
Distant car
As you wave gently goodbye
Caressing our plight
Like all true relationships
Toward the dead of the night
